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Whether it is about shading the terrace of a private house or a serving/access area of a restaurant or hotel, the team has solutions and suggestions. We can create and customize starting from the thickness of the threads, the way of finishing, color, braiding style.



Of course, there is no need to invent the wheel, we can  use ideas from the internet, platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram, architectural and design plans. We have a very good history of collaboration with architects and designers. Below are some examples of what can be done with wicker as a raw material and using metal or wooden structures suitable for each project. 

pergola din rachita, lemn si metal
umbrar din rachita
parasolar impletit pe terasa
panouri de rachita la comanda
parasolar impletit pe arcada in fata unei cladiri
pergola din rachita pe structura
terasa umbrita cu panouri de rachita
umbrar minimalist din rachita
umbrar din rachita
umbrar de rachita pe o terasa
imagine de deasupra a unei terase umbrite cu panouri de rachita
umbrar Mykonos
panouri de rachita pe structura lemn
pergola din rachita structura metalica cu lemn

The umbrellas that you can see in the above pictures are 2-2,45m in diameter . On order we can realise other dimensions, shapes and colors.


ArtSilva Design SRL


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